Catching Up: The Avalon Cigar Herf And More

Last week I was discussing the still hard-to-find Avalon Cigars with some of the guys over at the CigarLive cigar forum. (Great forum, by the way, consider joining if you’re a cigar lover and you haven’t already!) Well who sends me a private message but Tom Ramsey the man behind Avalon Cigars. He was planning on making a sales trip to the Atlanta area, and issued a challenge.

If I could put together a herf in short order (about two days), he’d bring the cigars. Of course, I rose to the challenge. In short order, I contacted all the local cigar smokers I’m acquainted with, and picked Highland Cigar Company as the place to herf. With the arrangements in place, Tom called up Highland Cigars to secure the arrangements, and then called mutual friend and local cigar baron Sean Williams of El Primer Mundo cigars to meet up with us. And the rest is an aromatic, hazy bit of herfing history. History I’ve documented with the help of my camera.

Here are some highlights. (Click on an image to see a larger version in the new cigar event section of my photography website.)

The Gathering
Tom and Sean chat and behind them Discdog socializes with the regulars

Tom and Sean
Sean Williams and Tom Ramsey

Tom Presenting Brian Autographed Haint Poster
For setting up the herf, I got an autographed Haint poster

Experimental and Unreleased Avalon Blends!
Experimental and Unreleased Avalons!

The Avalon Cigar Spread
The whole spread, more than enough for all in attendance!

You can see the rest of the gallery here.

As I mentioned above, I’ve set up a new cigar event section in on my photography website. In addition to last weeks Avalon cigar herf, I’ve also put up galleries for the August and September Blue Havana II herfs. Here’s a sample of each gallery.

The Blue Havana II August Herf

It’s a Brian Sandwich!

And on a slightly related note, don’t forget to check out my review of the Avalon Honeyboy Lancero over at Stogie Review.

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  1. November 19, 2007 at 12:05 am

    […] interesting news of the night is the apparent shake up over at Avalon Cigars. As I mentioned in a previous post, I helped Tom Ramsey set up a herf at the local Highland Cigar Company. Well, the word from this […]

  2. Daniel said,

    March 13, 2008 at 1:41 pm

    Those are some good-looking sticks.

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